Franco-Belgian congress of medical mycology
Dear all, We are happy to announce our joint symposium together with the Belgian Society of human and animal Mycology (BSHAM), initially schedulded in 2020, […]
Dear all, We are happy to announce our joint symposium together with the Belgian Society of human and animal Mycology (BSHAM), initially schedulded in 2020, […]
Dear colleagues, dear friends, Despite this month of January still dominated by the virus, the oboard of the French Society of Medical Mycology (SFMM) wishes […]
The joint meeting SFMM-SFPT will focus on pharmacological aspects of antifungals and the impact of PK-PD approach in the management and optimisation of invasive fungal […]
DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30847-1 Koehler P, Bassetti M, Chakrabarti A, Chen SCA, Colombo AL, Hoenigl M, Klimko N, Lass-Flörl C, Oladele RO, Vinh DC, Zhu LP, Böll B, […]
The next scientific meetings of the SFMM are : Webinar JCJC (Young scientists), January 27 2021 National congress SFMM-SFP probably in Lyon, may 2021 Joint Franco-Belgian mycology meeting, probably in Gand, […]
Programme 30 July, 18:00 – 19:30 hrs (CET): Chairs: Martin Hoenigl and Oliver Cornely Every speaker has 5-7 minutes and then a couple of minutes to […]
ECMM webinar and Manuscripts published – until August 11 2020 : ECMM Webinar Covid-19 associated aspergillosis : Programme 30 July, 18:00 – 19:30 hrs (CET):Chairs: Martin Hoenigl and […]
Professor Frank C Odds. 29/8/45- 7/7/20Professor Frank C Odds, a world leading authority in medical mycology died peacefully in his home in Aberdeen on July […]
A summary of the scientific papers presented at TIMM 2017, Belgrade, written by Estelle Cateau-Perraud and Philippe Poirier, with the support of Gilead, is available […]
The first fungal microscopy course has recently been designed by the University of Manchester. More information is accessible through this link. It is currently available on […]
During the last TIMM in October 2017, our President, Jean-Pierre Gangneux, was elected Secretary General of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM).Congratulations to our […]
Dear friends,It is with a great satisfaction that we can observe that the Journal de Mycologie Médicale is progressing. Bertrand Dupont has just announced the […]
The SFMM Board of Directors is composed of 21 members elected for 6 years. The Board is renewed by thirds, that is 7 members, every […]
The French Society of Hospital Hygiene (SF2H) and the SFMM have just finalized the coordination of new formalized expert recommendations “Which measures to control the […]
eANOFEL is a bank of images in educational aim created and updated by members of the French association of teachers of Parasitology and Mycology (Association […]
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the accidental death of our colleague and especially friend Annick Datry, at the age of […]
The recommendations written by the Quality Committee of the French Society of Microbiology to guide laboratories in the accreditation process have been updated and are […]
The information concerning the members of the SFMM that appear on the site are those indicated on the subscription form for the Journal de Mycologie […]
GAFFI’s mission is to fight fungal diseases worldwide. In its first 12 months of operation, GAFFI has achieved 90% of the goals it set for […]