Established 1989 – Amended 1992, 2007 and 2020.

Article 1

  1. Any person wishing to be part of the Society must send his application to the President by the address: . The candidate will introduce himself briefly and will indicate his name, first name, address, e-mail address, telephone. After acceptance of the application by the Board, he/she becomes an Active Member of the SFMM and receives the document indicating the different ways to pay the membership fee. This fee may be coupled with a subscription to the Journal de Mycologie Médicale.
  2. The Council reserves the right to propose the candidacy of any individual or legal entity who, because of his or her titles, functions or actions, could become an Honorary Member, Corresponding Member, Honorary Member or Benefactor Member.
    • The title of Honorary Member may be offered to a person who has rendered distinguished services to the Society.
    • The title of Corresponding Member may be granted to mycologists residing outside of metropolitan France and contributing effectively to the reputation of the Society.
    • Honorary membership may be granted, upon request, to Active Members who have ceased all paid professional activity and have paid dues for at least five years.
    • Benefactor Members are persons – natural or legal – who contribute financially and substantially to the life of the Association.
  3. Candidates are proposed to an Assembly which ratifies them by a simple majority vote. Admission to the Society implies adherence to the Statutes and Internal Regulations.

Article 2

Active Members and Benefactor Members pay their dues for the current year and pay the amount in the year of their membership.

Honorary Members and Corresponding Members may be exempted from paying dues by the Board.

Honorary Members are exempt from paying dues.

Article 3

  • The amount of the annual fee for Active Members is proposed by the Council and must be ratified by the General Assembly. The amount of the fees of these Members can be paid in advance for three years and, in this case, remains unchanged during this period.
  • The amount of the contribution of the Benefactor Members is fixed annually by the Board. Its maximum is not limited, but must be at least equal to 5 times the amount of the active membership fee.

Article 4

The Treasurer shall send to members who are two years in arrears of their dues a reminder letter setting the deadline for payment of the arrears. In the event of non-payment after reminders, expulsion may be proposed by the Board and ratified by an Assembly. The member may regain membership by paying the arrears of dues.

Article 5

The convocations to a General Assembly are sent at least fifteen days in advance. They shall mention the items on the agenda. The General Assembly is chaired by the President or, in his absence, by one of the Vice-Presidents or the Secretary General or any delegated Member of the Council.

Article 6

The General Assembly deliberates only on the issues on the agenda. The agenda is established by the Bureau. Members may include one or more items on the agenda, but must submit a request to the Secretariat at least one month before the General Assembly. Any other request to modify the agenda is submitted to the vote of the Assembly. Members may delegate their powers to other members.

Article 7

Voting by mail is allowed, in particular for the elections of the Members of the Council. It is done by secret ballot, with a double envelope system. The counting of votes shall take place as soon as possible and at the most three working days after the date fixed for the closure of the ballot. The counting of votes shall be done in public, in the presence of at least five Members of the Society.

Article 8

In the voting of the Assembly, each Member, natural person, is entitled to one vote. He/she may be represented by another proxy Member. Each proxy may represent two other Members. At the request of one of its Members, votes shall be cast by secret ballot.

Article 9

The decisions of the General Assembly must be taken in the first round by an absolute majority of the Members present or represented. In the second round, a relative majority is sufficient.

Article 10

  1. The Council is composed of 12 to 21 members elected for 6 years. It is renewed by thirds, i.e. a maximum of 7 members, every two years. The members are elected by a majority of votes, after a secret online vote. This election takes place during a General Assembly.
    Outgoing members are eligible for re-election. This re-election is possible at most 2 consecutive times (i.e. at most 3 mandates of 6 years). If a member leaves during his term of office, the replacement of this member is not systematic unless the quorum is not reached.
  2. A call for candidates must be made at least one month before the date of the election. Outgoing members are immediately eligible for re-election.
  3. The information sent to the Members of the Corporation prior to an election to the Board shall include a list of all candidates who have offered themselves in writing, the number of positions to be filled and the closing date of the ballot. An unidentifiable envelope for the ballot shall be enclosed.
  4. The Chief Editor and the Assistant Editors shall be permanently invited to the meetings of the Board in an advisory capacity if they are not elected members of the Board.

Article 11

The Bureau is composed of a President, two or more Vice-Presidents, a General Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer.

The 8 members of the Bureau are elected within the Board of Directors (BOD) by the members of the BOD, for 4 years and renewable once maximum.

Article 12

An Honorary President may be proposed by the Board to the vote of the General Assembly. The Honorary President must be a Member of the Society. He may participate, in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the Board.

Article 13

The Council meets at least twice a year. It is convened by the Secretary General who specifies the agenda on the notice of meeting. The Council can only validly deliberate if half plus one of its members are present. Decisions are taken by majority vote. In case of equality, the President has the casting vote.

Article 14

The President directs the debates of the agenda, the meetings of the Bureau, the Council and the General Assembly. He presents the moral report to the General Assembly, after having reported to the Council. He represents the Association in all civil or administrative acts and is vested with all powers to this effect. In particular, he is entitled to sue in the name of the Association, both as plaintiff and defendant.

In the event of absence or illness, he shall be replaced in all the above functions by one of the Vice-Presidents or the Secretary General or any Director specially delegated by the Board.

Article 15

The Secretary General is responsible for the drafting of the minutes of the Board and the General Assembly. He is in charge of the correspondence, the convocations, the publication of the Bulletin of the Society, in agreement with the Editor and the Reading Committee. He keeps the various registers up to date. In case of absence or illness, he is replaced by the Assistant Secretary or any Director specially delegated by the Board.

Article 16

The Treasurer shall keep the accounting records and ensure the collection of dues. He proposes the budget and presents the financial report to the General Assembly after having reported to the Council. He pays the ordinary expenses and, after approval by the Board, the extraordinary expenses. During the General Assembly, the financial report and the accounting books are submitted to the examination of two auditors, Members of the Society. In case of absence or illness, he is replaced by the Assistant Treasurer or any Director specially delegated by the Board.

Article 17

  • The Society publishes a scientific journal entitled Journal de Mycologie Médicale. This journal may, in addition, publish news of the Society, notices from the Council, and moral and financial reports, as well as additional issues.
  • The Journal is prepared by an Editorial Board consisting of an Editor, two Editorial Secretaries and six or more other members. At least half of the members of the Editorial Board must belong to the Society. The Editorial Board is assisted by a Scientific Committee composed of twenty or more scientific personalities. These Committees are called upon to give their opinion on the policy of the Journal and on the manuscripts to be published.
  • The Members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee are elected for three years by the Council. They are eligible for re-election.
  • The Editor-in-Chief reports to the General Assembly on the activity of the Committee and the state of the Journal.

Article 18

For the meetings of the Society organized in the provinces, in case of profit, 25% of these profits are transferred to the SFMM.

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