Dear all,

The SFMM is organizing a thematic day: “Onychomycosis: from sampling to treatment” which will take place in Paris on Friday March 31 at the Saint Antoine Hospital in Paris, face-to-face. The program for the day is attached. During this day, the various speakers will address the problem of onychomycosis from the angle of physiopathology, from diagnosis to passing from sampling to identification by integrating recent taxonomy data. Therapeutic management will also be discussed in the current context of the emergence of resistance to terbinafine in France. Beyond these interventions, a time dedicated to free communications on the theme of onychomycosis is planned, of which we enclose the call for communications, open to young and old in the discipline: https://exotic.univ-tours. en/nog7em

We will take advantage of this day to organize a practice survey with the aim of analyzing the methods of sampling and diagnosis but also to determine the prevalence of fungal agents involved in onychomycosis and the potential risk of invasive infection. The questionnaire can be accessed via this link: The analysis of your answers will be presented during this day with the aim of promoting this survey in the form of a publication including the participants among the authors, as has already been done for other thematic days. We hope to be able to meet you in this moment of scientific exchange which will include a moment of conviviality around a lunch offered by the SFMM.

Registration is required via the following link:

Registration is free of charge for members of the SFMM. A contribution of 50 euros will be requested from non-members of the SFMM (terms specified later). Please note that this day will not be valid for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuing Medical Education (CME). Looking forward to welcoming you, we wish you very happy holidays.

Best regards,

Nicole Desbois-Nogard, Florence Persat, Alicia Moreno-Sabater

« Onychomycosis: from sampling to treatment »

Friday March 31st 2023, Caroli amphitheater in Saint-Antoine hospital, Paris

Welcome and introduction by the president of the SFMM

10h / 10h15
Presentation of the program

Session 1: Current approaches to sampling and diagnosis of onychomycosis

Moderators: Dr Alicia MORENO-SABATER, Dr Florence PERSAT

10h15 / 10h45
Inaugural lecture: Physiopathology of dermatophytoses
Pr Bernard MIGNON. Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals & Health (FARAH), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium.

10h45 / 11h
Clinical presentation, sample collection, direct examination and culture
Dr Françoise FOULET. Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie. Hôpital Henri-Mondor, Créteil.

11h / 11h15
Interpretation of test results: presentation of an algorithm
Dr Nicole DESBOIS-NOGARD. Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie, CHU de la Martinique.

11h15 / 11h30
Contribution of mass spectrometry for the identification of fungi responsible for superficial mycoses
Dr Anne-Cécile NORMAND. Service de Parasitologie -Mycologie. Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière. Paris.

11h30 / 11h45
Contribution of PCR to the diagnosis and identification of fungal agents responsible for onychomycosis
Pr Stéphane RANQUE. Laboratoire de Parasitologie – Mycologie. IHU de Marseille.

11h45 / 12h15
New nomenclature for dermatophytes
Dr Ann PAKEU. Sciensano, BCCM/IHEM Collection, Mycology and Aerobiology Unit, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

12h15 / 13h30
Lunch on site offered by the SFMM

Session 2: Epidemiology – Therapeutic advice and resistance update

Moderators : Dr Florence PERSAT, Dr Nicole DESBOIS-NOGARD

13h30 / 14h
Invasive fungal infections with onychomycosis as a starting point
Dr Claire ROUZAUD. Service de Maladies infectieuses et tropicales, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris.

14h / 14h15
Dermatophytes, pseudodermatophytes, molds and yeasts: Local or systemic treatment?
Dr Alicia MORENO SABATER. Service de Parasitologie – Mycologie. Hôpital Saint Antoine. Paris.

14h15 / 14h30
Effect of house washing, heat and freezing on the survival of dermatophytes
Dr Sophie BRUN. Laboratoire de Parasitologie – Mycologie. Hôpital Avicenne. Bobigny.

14h30 / 14h45
Resistance to terbinafine
Dr Arnaud JABET. Service de Parasitologie-Mycologie. Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière-Hôpital et Hôpital Saint Antoine. Paris.

14h45 / 15h
Assessment of the SFMM survey
Dr Florence PERSAT. Laboratoire de Parasitologie -Mycologie. Institut des agents Infectieux. Hospices Civils de Lyon. Lyon.

15h / 16h15
Open communications

Assessment of the day and proposals for work SFMM

Online registration is open on this page

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