Amended and adopted by the General Assembly on November 28, 2008.
I – Purpose & Composition of the Association
Section 1
A non-profit association, called the French Society of Medical Mycology, was created in 1956 in Paris. Its duration is unlimited.
Section 2
The purpose of this Society is to encourage and develop the study of Medical Mycology, to promote scientific exchanges on this discipline, to ensure its representation and/or that of its members in national and international relations and national and international organizations, to organize symposia, congresses, seminars or conferences on the pathology, diagnosis, biology, prophylaxis and treatment of human or animal mycosis
Section 3
The registered office of the Company is at the Institut Pasteur: 25, rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 Paris. The registered office may be transferred by decision of the General Meeting.
Section 4
The number of members of the Association is unlimited.
- (a) The Society shall consist of Honorary Members, Active Members, Honorary Members, Corresponding Members and Benefactor Members. The definition and method of admission of such Members to the Society shall be as set forth in the By-Laws.
- (b) Active Members and Sustaining Members may be natural persons or legal entities.
- (c) Only natural persons who are Members of the Corporation shall participate in voting.
Section 5
To become a Member of the Society, an application must be made and the obligations set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws must be met. The application for membership, presented by the Board, must be accepted during one of the meetings of the Society.
Section 6
- (a) Each Member shall pay a membership fee in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Rules of Procedure.
- (b) The amount of the membership fee is proposed by the Board of Directors and ratified by the General Assembly.
Section 7
Membership is lost:
- (a) by resignation,
- (b) by expulsion pronounced by the General Assembly, upon report of the Council, for refusal to pay the membership fee for two years – despite reminders – or for serious reasons. The person concerned shall have the right to be heard. Recourse to the General Assembly is possible.
- (c) by death.
II – Administration, operation and resources
Section 8
The Society is administered by:
A Council composed of 12 to 21 members elected for six years from among the French-speaking members of the SFMM by a majority vote and eligible for immediate re-election. The result of the election is approved at the General Assembly
The Council shall elect from among its members a Bureau consisting of a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a General Secretary, a Deputy Secretary, a Treasurer, a Deputy Treasurer and other members as necessary. The rules of procedure shall establish the procedures for elections and the duration of the terms of office.
The Board may appoint other personnel, but only in an advisory capacity.In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Board or the Bureau, the Board may provide for a provisional replacement until the expiration of the term of the member replaced. One-third of the Board shall be renewed every 2 years.
Section 9
The management of ordinary business is ensured by the President and the members of the Board. For certain specialized tasks, the Board may call upon any person of its choice, who may have an advisory vote in its deliberations.
Section 10
The resources of the Society consist of entrance fees, membership fees, subscriptions to its publications, subsidies it may receive from public authorities and private funds, donations and all other resources authorized by the legislative or regulatory texts.
The Secretary General or the Treasurer is responsible for collecting dues, collecting the various resources of the Society, paying expenses relating to the operation or activities of the Society, and keeping the accounts. In the event that the Secretary General or the Treasurer is unable to act, the President or a Vice President, who shall have the authority to do so, may make transfers of funds.
Section 11
All functions performed within the Company by the members of the Board are free of charge. If necessary, they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Company with the approval of the Board.
Section 12
The Company, the Board and the Executive Committee hold several meetings per year in accordance with the Rules of Procedure adopted or modified by the General Assembly by a simple majority. Each year, one of the meetings of the Company is a General Assembly; it hears and approves the general report and the accounts of the Company for the previous year, votes on the provisional budget for the following year, deliberates on the issues on the agenda, and if necessary, carries out elections. The Assembly is validly constituted whatever the number of members present or represented. The decisions of the Assembly are taken by an absolute majority of the members present or represented. The meetings are chaired by the President or a Vice President, or their delegate. The Chairman of the meeting has all the powers to ensure the smooth running of the meeting and the discipline of the debates.
Section 13
Communications and discussions will be limited to Medical Mycology, related scientific or technical fields, or to the functioning of the Society.
Section 14
The society reserves the right to join any national or international scientific association. It may organize scientific or didactic meetings (see Article 2), and publish periodicals or works related to its object, either alone or in collaboration with other organizations.
III – Modification of the statutes and dissolution
Section 15
Amendments to the statutes can only be proposed by the Board or by a request signed by at least one third of the active members. These modifications will be adopted by an extraordinary General Assembly convened for this purpose at least one month in advance, voting by correspondence being admitted. The extraordinary General Assembly must be attended by at least one quarter of the members of the Society who are up to date with their subscriptions. If this proportion is not reached, the Meeting is reconvened, but at least fifteen days later. This time, it can validly deliberate regardless of the number of members present or represented. The statutes can only be modified by a majority of two thirds of the members present at the extraordinary general assembly or of the members who have paid their dues in the case of a postal vote.
Section 16
Except in the case of dissolution by judicial or administrative means, the dissolution of the Society can only be voted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Society up to date with their subscriptions at a General Assembly specially convened for this purpose.
In case of dissolution, the General Assembly appoints one or more commissioners in charge of the liquidation of the Association. It allocates the net assets to one or more public organizations or organizations recognized as being of public utility pursuing a similar goal and under the conditions provided for in article 9 of the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901.