Dear friends,
It is with a great satisfaction that we can observe that the Journal de Mycologie Médicale is progressing.

Bertrand Dupont has just announced the impact factor 2016: 1,269.

This brings the JMM to the 24/30 rank of the world mycology journals.
This is only the beginning, as I remind you that indexing in PubMed is relatively recent.
Thanks to the authors, reviewers and editors and associates for the work it requires. Our bet to make emerge the magazine is being won … if the dynamic continues, that is :

  • to promote writing articles in English and of quality with our different teams
  • to quote, if possible, the recent articles of the Journal.

The JMM is a tool for valuing our society, it is up to us all to make progress, and I sincerely believe that we can still progress.

The editorial team is currently mobilizing to propose a number of changes in the near future. We thank her very much.

Jean-Pierre Gangneux

Our partners

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