Dear colleagues, dear friends,
Dear members of the French Society of Medical Mycology,
In this new year, I send you, on behalf of the SFMM office, my most sincere wishes for health, fulfillment and success, both personal and professional. I hope that this year will be marked by notable advances in your research and an ever more fruitful collaboration within our community.
Once again, the past year has been rich in meetings and exchanges, whether on the occasion of the thematic day on Mucorales, our joint congress with the French Society of Parasitology (SFP) in Angers or the “Young Researchers (JCJC)” day in Tours. Our partnerships with the French Society of Microbiology, the French-Speaking Society of Infectious Pathology (SPILF) and the Belgian Society of Human and Animal Mycology (BSHAM) have also strengthened our ties with these learned societies. The CNRMA remains a privileged partner and many of you participate in its various activities. In addition, the call for projects supported by the SFMM and the photo competition, from which the front cover of the Journal of Medical Mycology came, are now “classic” events for our society.
The Parasitology – Mycology conferences organized jointly with the SFP and the ANOFEL national collegiate have reaffirmed the place of our learned societies in the animation and structuring of our discipline.
Maintaining such momentum for 2025 is a challenge, but I know that I can count on many of you to take up the challenge. The organization of new thematic days is in the pipeline, the young researchers day, organized by and for (among others) young people will be renewed. We also aim to propose formalized recommendations in the field of dermatophytosis management.
The year 2025 will also be marked by new elections aimed at renewing our bodies (Board of Directors, Bureau, Presidency). Before that and starting this week (Wednesday, January 16 at 4 p.m.), you are called upon to vote on the changes to our internal regulations that will allow the subsequent organization of these elections for members who are up to date with their contributions. You can now think about your potential investment in the SFMM Board of Directors.
The Amiens team will welcome us for our annual congress, in partnership with the SFP from June 18 to 20. This will be the occasion to set up our new bodies (Board of Directors, Bureau, Presidency).
Other scientific events will take place in 2025, ISHAM in Brazil, TIMM in Bilbao, Candida and Candidasis in Berlin, which will also be an opportunity to show our many French works, often collaborative, in medical mycology. Let us also recall the 2nd edition of the symposium dedicated to Parasitology Mycology and the joint SFMM-SFM session on the occasion of the Microbes congress (September 24-26, Bordeaux) as well as the webinars dedicated to our discipline within the SFM several times a year.
Last but not least, we have applied to organize ISHAM in 2028 in Tours. Results expected in May. Fingers crossed.
You will find all this information in the messages sent to you by sfmminfos and on the SFMM website ( which we invite you to consult to find working documents, proposals for thematic days, photos of congresses, etc. You can of course take advantage of this to renew your membership to the Society (tutorial attached).
I would also like to take this opportunity to warmly thank the Office and the Board of Directors who support me in the governance of our society.
Mycologically yours,
Françoise Botterel and the SFMM office