At the beginning of May, I would like to give you some news about our Society.

We will have great pleasure to meet many of you at the end of this month for the joint congress of the SFMM and the SFP that we have relocated to Marrakech. We will be hosted by Badre Eddine LMIMOUNI and the Moroccan Society of Medical Mycology.

We hope that you will enjoy the program (attached) that we have chosen: we wanted it to be “One Health”, focused on new diagnostic tools and on cutaneous mycological infections. Many communications will complete this program. On the occasion of this congress, we will have our General Assembly in hybrid from 7 to 8 pm (Moroccan time) on Wednesday May 24. You will receive a zoom link a few days before.

Papers for our partner congresses are now open and we invite you to propose abstracts so that the relationship between the SFMM and other societies can develop further, which we are working on.

  • For the RICAI (December 18 and 19, 2023), you can now submit your abstracts until September 3 and apply for the RICAI prize where fungi issues can be very appreciated. There will be 3 sessions dedicated to fungi (antifungals, superficial infections and outbreak management):
  • For the SFM Microbes congress that will take place in Rennes from October 4 to 6, 2023, you can submit until June 12: There will also be a session under the aegis of the SFMM dedicated to mixed bacterial and fungal infections and many other transversal sessions.
  • We also remind you the 6th ” ECMM Educational Symposium ” in Rennes from June 22 to 23 on the theme ” The fungal exposome and health issues ” in which the SFMM is also a partner and for which we expect you to attend :

Finally, we invite you to pay your 2023 membership fee for the SFMM for those who have not yet done so on our new website. It is now (very) easy on You will also be able to subscribe to the JMM (IF 3,7 !) in a 2nd click.

See you soon,

Françoise Botterel and the SFMM board

Our partners

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