The SFMM Board of Directors is composed of 21 members elected for 6 years. The Board is renewed by thirds, that is 7 members, every two years.
In 2016 some outgoing members who had been part of the Board for many years were not standing for re-election: Dominique Chabasse, René Chermette, Claire Lacroix, and/or had resigned from the Board: Martine Feuilhade.
Those elected in March 2016 are: Isabelle Accoceberry, Florence Persat, Dominique Toubas: re-elected, Jean-Philippe Bouchara, Christophe d’Enfert, Jacques Guillot, Boualem Sendid: elected.
Muriel Cornet was elected to replace Martine Feuilhade for the two years remaining in her mandate.
It should be noted that the Editor-in-Chief of the JMM and the person in charge of the SFMM web site sit on the Council with a purely advisory opinion.
This new Council elected its Bureau:
Composition of the Board of the SFMM Council
President : Jean Pierre GANGNEUX
Vice Presidents : Catherine KAUFFMANN-LACROIX, Laurence MILLON, Dominique TOUBAS
General Secretary: Marie-Elisabeth BOUGNOUX
Deputy General Secretary: Christophe HENNEQUIN
Treasurer: Jacques CHANDENIER
Assistant Treasurer : Nicole DESBOIS
Editor of the Journal : Bertrand DUPONT