Dear all,
It is already time to launch the now usual SFMM photo contest!! The rules have not changed, the selected image, after a vote by all members of the SFMM Board, will be on the cover of the Journal of Medical Mycology in 2025.
The images not selected will also be highlighted and presented in the form of a photo gallery on the SFMM website.
All aspects of medical mycology are admissible, including clinical, macroscopic, microscopic, digital images, particularly photogenic graphics, etc.
The images must have a definition of 300 dpi (ppp in French) for an image of 15 x 15 cm, or a little more than 3 MB (1772×1772 pixels).
In all cases, the images will be captioned with a maximum of 2 sentences in English and specifying the magnification in the case of a microscopic photo.
The name of the candidate, his/her affiliation and email address will be specified.
Photos must be sent to SFMM
The competition closes on December 22, 2024.
Prizes are up for grabs.
Thank you all
Kind regards
Jean Philippe Bouchara and Christophe Hennequin for the SFMM Board of Directors